============= Page 1 of 16 ============= Wholesale Operations 2000 Goals E0004392352 =XH005-02526 ============= Page 2 of 16 ============= 2000 Enron Strategic Goals Wholesale Operations Goal: Execute more commodity intermediation business via EnronOnline than through traditional means. Status: Complete Over 450,000 North America transactions with a notional value greater than $240 billion have been executed through November 2000. Currently, EnronOnline is generating - • 85% of total transactions for North America natural gas • 50% of total transactions for North America electricity power • 52% of total transactions for European commodities. E0004392353 0 EXH005-02527 ============= Page 3 of 16 ============= 2000 Enron Strategic Goals Enron Americas Goal: Achieve a 20% growth in total energy volumes. Status: Complete • Physical natural gas volumes have increased 74% September YTD 1999 to September YTD 2000. • Physical power volumes have increased 42% September YTD 1999 to September YTD 2000. • Maintained position as #1 merchant of power and gas in North America. E0004392354 &09 EXH005-02528 ============= Page 4 of 16 ============= 2000 Enron Strategic Goals Enron Americas Goal: Complete 3 significant utility outsourcing transactions. Status: In Progress Closed 3 significant utility outsourcing transactions during 2000 - • Atlanta Gas Light 1 Virginia Natural Gas - gas outsourcing - 2 year term - 30 BCF per year sales • NSTAR (BECO) - power outsourcing - 6 month term - Standard offer • PSEG - gas outsourcing - MOU pending - 60 BCF per year sales ti~ E0004392355 EXH005-02529 ============= Page 5 of 16 ============= 2000 Enron Strategic Goals Enron Americas Goal: Clearly establish recurring, profitable merchant business in South America as evidenced by $25 million of earnings in 2000 with a goal of $50 million in 2001. Status: Complete • Wholesale, Direct Sales and Argentina had $25 million of earnings i n 2000. • 2001 plan has $50 million earnings goal. E0004392356 090 EXH005-02530 ============= Page 6 of 16 ============= 2000 Enron Strategic Goals Enron Europe Goal: Generate at least $200 million of gross margin outside of the U.K. Status: Complete $240 million of gross margin was generated in areas other than UK gas and power businesses. Goal: Decrease Eastern exposure by $250 million. Status: Not Complete • Working with TXU Europe Group PLC to obtain increased guarantees with additional covenants to cleanly hedge Enron's claim. • Will be finalized in 1st quarter 2001. EO004392357 wunnV_n'F'1 ============= Page 7 of 16 ============= 2000 Enron Strategic Goals Enron Europe Goal: Financially close and monetize three significant infrastructure projects. Status: Complete Financially closed and monetized four significant projects - • Sutton Bridge - $270 million • National Power - $760 million • Poland, Turkey and Italy Powerstation Balance Sheet Restructure - $125 million • ETOL FAS 125 - $100 million in cash and notes of $105 million. E0004392358 y~ O r J inn= ============= Page 8 of 16 ============= 2000 Enron Strategic Goals Enron Europe (APACHI) Goal: Establish Japanese business as evidenced by aggregation of at least 5,000 megawatts of generation and an active merchant business with 500 mmcfe/day of energy transactions. Status: Not Complete • Opened Enron Japan office and launched EnronOnline and coal trading in Japan. • Pace of regulation changes impacted ability to aggregate generation and develop an active merchant business. y~ E0004392359 49 ============= Page 9 of 16 ============= 2000 Enron Strategic Goals Enron Global Markets (CALME) Goal: Financially close and begin construction of the Venezuela LNG project. Status: Not Complete • Minority rights agreement with PDVSA is substantially complete and other agreements were finalized in October 2000. Construction contract with Enron Engineering & Construction substantially complete. • Secured Elba Island storage capacity to provide anchor market for Venezuela LNG and merchant trade. • Optionality for additional markets in Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic. E0004392360 * & EXH005-02534 ============= Page 10 of 16 ============= 2000 Enron Strategic Goals Enron Global Markets (CALME) Goal: Financially close and begin construction of Dolphin. (Mideast effort) Status: Not Complete Executed detailed Project Development Agreement among UAE offsets group. TotalFinaElf and Enron to develop the project. • Advanced the technical design of facilities/selected pipeline routes. • Advanced negotiations with downstream buyers and with Qatar for supplies of 2 - 3 bcf/day. • Upstream term sheet execution expected in January 2001. • Key commercial agreements targeted for execution by mid-2001. E0004392361 y9o EXH005-02535 ============= Page 11 of 16 ============= 2000 Enron Strategic Goals Enron Global Assets (South America) Goal: Decrease capital exposure through a profitable sale of certain South American assets. Status: Not complete • Asset monetization strategy is in place. • Significant sales anticipated in 1st quarter 2001. ECO04392362 *09 r J inn= n,)=l~c ============= Page 12 of 16 ============= 2000 Enron Strategic Goals Enron Global Assets (India) Goal: Financially close Metgas pipeline transaction and sell 2 Tcf (1.6 MT) of gas along the pipeline. Status: Not Complete • Contracts signed to sell 1.2 MM tons of gas. • Financial close was postponed until the 2nd quarter 2001 to allow additional gas sales. • Currently evaluating degree of Enron equity participation. ti&E0004392363 EXH005-02537 ============= Page 13 of 16 ============= 2000 Enron Strategic Goals Enron Global Assets (APACHI) Goal: Leverage value of SK/Enron 20% profitability growth in Korea beyond current venture. Status: Complete • Achieved 100% profitability growth in Korea on SK-Enron joint venture. • Increased SK-Enron's net income from $23 million in 1999 to $48 million in 2000. y~ E0004392364 09 EXH005-02538 ============= Page 14 of 16 ============= 2000 Enron Strategic Goals Enron Global Assets (APACHI) Goal: Resolve Hainan Island, Vietnam and Mozambique issues. Status: Complete • Concluded sale of Hainan PPC Termination Agreement for $152 million. Receipt of $78 million cash in 2000 with $74 million to be received in 1St quarter 2001. • Successfully completed the sell-down of the Mozambique Project to SASOL for $30 million. • Settlement of Miga Claim on East Java, Indonesia - $15 million. • Vietnam issues resolved with minimum impact to bottom line. y~o E0004392365 EXH005-02539 ============= Page 15 of 16 ============= 2000 Enron Strategic Goals Enron Net Works Goal: Be the largest and leading e-commerce player. Execute e-business plan, which includes starting 5 new businesses and attempting to monetize 3 of them. Status: Complete • EnronOnline has executed over 450,000 transactions with a notional value greater than $240 billion through November 2000. • Several new businesses have been created - - DealBench - Clickpaper.com - Commodity Logic - e-Market Services • Acquired MG Metals in July 2000. E0004392366 0 FXHOO5-02540 ============= Page 16 of 16 ============= 2000 Enron Strategic Goals Enron Net Works Goal: Create $100 million of value for business units that is not in the 2000 Plan. Status: Complete • Significant value added by EnronOnline. • Created a partnership with outside parties to focus on the pulp & paper and steel industries which generated $75 million of earnings in 2000. E0004392367 *49 EXH005-02541